
Delivery Policy

Your website is fast, secure & always up – so your visitors & search engines trust you.

SERVERS shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Services will be ready for CUSTOMER’s use on a date to be agreed upon on the Order Form by SERVERS and CUSTOMER (the “RFS Date”). IF SERVERS determines that the Services will not be ready for CUSTOMER’s use on the RFS Date, SERVERS shall give notice of the expected duration of such delay prior to the RFS Date. SERVERS’ notice of delay shall state a new RFS Date. CUSTOMER acknowledges that the RFS Date is a target date and that SERVERS shall not be liable to CUSTOMER for any loss, damage, cost or expense to CUSTOMER arising out of any delay in the RFS Date.

The actual RFS date is the date on which SERVERS enables CUSTOMER to use the Services. CUSTOMER accepts the actual RFS date by using the Services. CUSTOMER shall notify SERVERS within two (2) days of the actual RFS date if the Services are not according to this Agreement and Order Form.

How client will get service?

Upon Payment completion, you will receive your server IP, SSL certification, and all the credentials.

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